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Filter roast - Guatemala - El Monjon

Filter roast - Guatemala - El Monjon

Regular price €14,50 EUR
Regular price Sale price €14,50 EUR
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Orange, almonds, caramel

Processing: Washed and sundried

Region: Petatan, Huehuetenango

Varietal: Catuaí, Caturra

Cristina Hernandez Diaz is a first-generation coffee producer in the town of Petatan in Huehuetenango region. During the harvest Cristina makes sure that only the ripest cherries are picked. Cristina pays more for the pickers to do selective picking and usually this means in total of four passes on the farm during the harvest. The cherries are being depulped on the day of the picking, fermented and washed with clean water. Eventually the coffee is being dried on a patio in the sun from five to six days. “I emigrated to the United States to have a better economical situation and with that money I was able to return and buy myself the land. My wife and children helped me to build a nursery and plant them. This is our farm today”, explains Christina.

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